I Think I've Finally Figured It Out!
I am really excited about taking my time and searching for furniture and decorations for our new home...once we move in. The one thing I had decided on was that everyone would have their bed all set up and ready for their first night in our new house...plus I needed to know what color to paint the rooms! I just figured Sophia would be in a crib at our new house so I picked out some bedding for her (yes she's survived 2 years without a matching crib set, and I think she'll still grow up to be a semi-normal adult!) Here's the bedding I ordered. It came and I loved it! But then I started thinking that wasn't the wisest move...buying crib bedding for a 2 year old who could probably do a big girl bed by the time we move. So I set out to find new bedding for a big girl bed! I was fine with re-painting, but wanted to do it before spankin' new carpet was in there! I did a lot of searching and came up with nothing that was "just right". I decided I could always make her bedding...I've done it for the other girls in the past. So then I needed to find fabric...which I've been searching for awhile now...but I think I've found it...and I don't even have to repaint!
I LOVE it!! Can't wait to see the finished product.
Outstanding, Steph! You're amazing.
that is going to look SOOOO beautiful! I can't wait until your done with this whole house thing, so that you can spend more time posting your wonderful ideas ;)